God is often thought of as the Holy Trinity; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. These three aspects of God form the basis of Infinite Love.
In Part 1, God the Father, we see God as the source of all creation, the giver of laws which although received are not always understood, and as the Protector. God speaks through this part as a two-part female choir.
In Part 2, God the Son, we examine the effect of Jesus on those who heard his teachings, received his healing and were blessed by his ultimate sacrifice. Jesus speaks throughout Part 2 as a two-part male choir.
In Part 3, God the Holy Spirit, the disciples of Jesus, both past and present are given the courage and ability to spread the good news of Jesus. However, the Spirit challenges us to examine our artificial divisions and then to see how the infinite love of God, through the Holy Spirit, can help, comfort and bring joy to all people. The Spirit speaks as a four-part mixed choir.
The complete production lasts about 2 hours 30 minutes including an interval.
The production requires a number of soloists, both male and female, plus an on-stage mixed chorus. The choir, which varies in its make-up, is positioned off-stage, but visible. The singers who make up the choirs and the on-stage chorus can be interchanged during the two intervals.
Concept: Helen Rawson
Words: Helen and Jeremy Rawson
Music: Jeremy Rawson
Trinity logo by Margaret Randall